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Yves Mayrand / President

Yves Mayrand

Yves Mayrand holds a law degree from the Université de Montreal and an MBA degree from Concordia University. As a lawyer, he joined the CRTC legal branch in 1975, and subsequently left the CRTC in 1977 to practice law in the field of communications, first in Montréal, and later in the National Capital Region. In 1981, he left private practice to occupy various management positions in the broadcasting industry in Alberta, first in radio, followed by television and pay television in 1983. He joined Cogeco Inc. in 1988, where he presently holds the position of Vice-President, Corporate Affairs. He also holds the position of Vice-President, Corporate Affairs at subsidiary Cogeco Cable Inc., which includes responsibility for regulatory matters and programming service affiliation agreements. He currently serves as a director of Cable Public Affairs Channel Inc. (CPAC), and the Cogeco Program Development Fund (CPDF) of which he is also President.