Comedy series set in the imaginary fishing village of Split Lip Cove, Prince Edward Island. The show revolves around Hughie and Martin Hackett, idiot brothers with big dreams of becoming rich and [...]
A Post-Apocalyptic / Sci-Fi series about a ragtag group of survivors living in an underground military base known as the Vault. Buried 5 miles beneath the earth, this state-of-the-art facility is [...]
PETROL is a high-octane, story driven series about five daring drivers from all walks of life who work for a mysterious figure known only as “The Employer”. In Season 2, Frankie (formerly Nick) [...]
Animated series with insights into some 20-something people in the year 20-something, stuck in that seemingly-endless limbo between school and adulthood, between nothing and friendship, and [...]
After a massive plagiarism scandal, Milton Frank – the high art up and comer who never up and came – keeps meaning to make a triumphant return to the world of professional ballet. But it’s not [...]
Sci-fi thriller. When college student Kelsey Atkins unexpectedly begins to leap into the bodies of other people during her bouts of narcolepsy, she becomes a target in the deadly world of [...]
Joe, a 90-year old widower and his adult grandson Ethan who has moved in with him, learn to live with each other in a turbulent, technologically driven society. It’s a comedic exploration of, [...]
Claire and Ruby are behind on the rent. When the free-spirited Ruby thrusts them into becoming internet-psychics for a quick buck, the tightly-wound Claire discovers she is in fact, psychic. [...]
A comedic web series that explores sex, technology, connectivity, and love through Chloe, a rising cam girl star, and Mike, her live-in boyfriend. Chloe struggles to juggle her relationships with [...]
A documentary series unravels as the paranormal phenomenon affecting its subject begins to also impact the film crew. Blackout is a horror-mystery web series released as a fictional documentary, [...]