The Independent Production Fund (IPF) 2020: New Faces, New Focus
July 10, 2019
A new decade is a great reason to review, revise and refocus; the IPF has always prepared for the future. So, here are the news headlines:
- Andra Sheffer to retire from the IPF after 28 years as its founding CEO, on December 31, 2019.
- Jon Taylor to become the new CEO of the IPF.
- Development Packaging of scripted short-form series will be a new addition to IPF funding programs.
- New members will be added to the Board of Directors.
Andra Sheffer just thinks it’s time to move on. She doesn’t know what she will do next, if anything, except for spending a winter month or two in hot and sunny countries. During the past 28 years, she has overseen the growth of the IPF’s endowment from $29M to $36M while during that period investing $75M in over 140 web series, 275 television drama series and 450 professional development activities across Canada. Under her leadership, the IPF has administered other Funds – the Cogeco Fund (CEO, 1992-2017), the Bell Fund (CEO, 1997-2014), the CFCN Fund, the Canwest Fund and the Videon Fund. Prior to her long-term sojourn at the IPF, Andra was the founding Executive Director of the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television (1979-1989). “It’s the potential and talent in our industry and the IPF Board’s willingness over the years to adapt and pioneer that has made 28 years fly by” noted Andra Sheffer. “Knowing inside stories about new TV series, moving from traditional tv funding into linear digital funding in 2010, collaborating with other Funds, encouraging new talent, supporting training programs across the country – it has been my privilege to have been an “enabler” – and has made the IPF an exciting Fund to lead.”
Long-time Board member and Chair, Charles Ohayon commented: “Personally, I accept Andra’s departure with great emotion. She has been the beacon that has guided all the successive members of the Board of Directors for nearly three decades. I am sure she will leave a great void in the community. The arrival of Jon Taylor at this important time in our industry will allow the Fund to build on what we have achieved and we wish him every success in his new position.”
The IPF will be in new good hands with Jon Taylor who has been on the IPF Board of Directors for the past 4 years and served as its Chair for the past 2 years, not to mention as an evaluator for various funding agencies. Jon is a digital media strategist who has great ideas on how to accelerate the growth of the online video industry. Formerly Vice-President of Digital Products and Strategy at Bell Media, Jon led the launch of Crave TV, launched over a dozen TVE apps and established advertising partnerships with YouTube. He is also a production executive, having worked on the Olympic Games and Academy Awards and several years as a senior producer at CTV News. He was Executive Director of the US’s Global Online Video Association (GOVA).
The Montreal office of the IPF will continue under Associate Director Claire Dion – who has also been there for 28 years, with Manager Joanne Duguay. In Toronto, Jon will have the ongoing support of Manager Carly McGowan. Office and Communications Co-ordinator Mark Shapland, rounds out the IPF team.
The IPF has always tuned into the fluctuating needs of the industry and tried to provide support where most effective. After a decade funding the production of scripted web series, the IPF is no longer the sole funding source for scripted short-form series, so it was time to review. It identified a need for more discipline to encourage more positive outcomes in this booming sector. To accomplish this objective, a new funding program, Development Packaging for scripted short-form series, has been created to launch in 2020. The end goal is to ensure that the quality and reputation of projects proceeding through this program will attract digital platforms, distributors and broadcasters with content that is ready to be fine-tuned to move into production.
Therefore, the former Phase 1 of the IPF’s Web Series Production Program will now become the selection point for this new development packaging funding. The selected series will receive financial support of up to $30,000 so that the creative teams can take the time and find the expertise to undertake in-depth packaging – from scripts to performers to budgets and proofs-of-concept to a pitch ready package. The IPF’s Web Drama Series Program, established in 2010, will then award production financing to a select number of these projects.
Full details and regulations for the new Development Packaging Program and its partnerships will be announced in a few weeks.
The IPF will also continue to administer the Cogeco TV Production Program with equity investments in television drama series.
Standby for future announcements about new members on the IPF’s Board of Directors.
So that is IPF 2020!
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The IPF is incorporated as a charitable foundation with an endowment valued at $35 M. It uses the interest generated by the endowment and return on its project investments for its annual operations and project funding. It is certified by the CRTC as a Certified Independent Production Fund (CIPF). The IPF Board of Directors is composed of representatives from the industry and makes all final funding decisions. Presently it also administers the Cogeco TV Production Program which receives annual BDU contributions form Cogeco Connexion.
For further info:
Andra Sheffer 416 977 8966 |
Claire Dion 514 845 4334 |