- 10 x 10 minutes
- Production Co.: Fertilifun2 Productions Inc.
- Producers: Lauren Corber, Wendy Litner
- Writer: Wendy Litner
- Director: Adriana Maggs
- Platform/Broadcaster: CBC
- Location of Principal Photography: Toronto, Ontario
- Location of Prod. Co.: Toronto, Ontario
Thirty-something couple Jane and Charlie have long given up on having a baby the fun way. They have also given up on having a baby the medically invasive way too. But while they lack the genetic components to make a child, they refuse to give up on being parents together.
Season two of How to Buy a Baby finds Jane and Charlie in the throes of adoption, a process steeped in paperwork, parenting classes, home inspections and difficult decisions about just how far they are willing to go to become parents.