Band Ladies

Band Ladies is a darkly comedic digital original series about an uptight homemaker, a disillusioned lawyer, a desperate artist, an infertile millionaire and a love-sick flake, who turn their monthly Book Club into a Punk Band, and come alive when they finally come clean about their own regrets. As the Band Ladies get in touch with their rage and power, they discover true friendship and an inner strength no one knew they had, not even themselves.


Producers: Matt Campagna, Melissa D’Agostino, Breann Smordin, Kate Fenton, Molly Flood & Dana Puddicombe

Writers: Kate Fenton & Dana Puddicombe

Director: Molly Flood

Watch the entire series on Highball.TV

9th Canadian Screen Awards

(Winner) Tricia Black, Best Supporting Performance Web Program or Series
(Nominated) Lisa Michelle Cornelius, Best Lead Performance, Web Program or Series